Corrie Lo Radio

How to Create a Morning Routine that Actually Works



Do you ever struggle with keeping a consistent morning routine? This is one of the most common questions I receive from both my clients as well as my followers. So today I'm going to dedicate an entire episode on the topic. I've never been a morning person naturally. If you ask my mom, one of the things that she loves to embarrass me with is telling my friends and family on how difficult it was to get me out of bed to go to school as a kid. It wasn't until my college years that I started reading books about what the most successful people do in the morning. I then learned exactly how beneficial a morning routine can be. I read several books on the topic and I've done a ton of experimentation for myself on how to make a morning routine that works for me. So with that said, I have a ton of tips and tricks that I can share with you today to learn how to create one that works for you. Don’t forget to stop by, where we answer questions you may have about the e