Outrage Factory




What made the internet angry this week? With Derek off to china for to celebrate the lunar new year Dale is joined by two guest hosts, Cam and Tyler from the podcast Subspace transmissions (http://www.subspacepod.com/) For the cross over even of the decade. Aparently the new live action Aladdin movie is giving people nightmares... well specifically the Will Smith genie. Liam Neeson somehow manages to milkshake duck himself. Brian Singer is the latest terrible person in Hollywood amongst an endless shitpile of terrible people and it is in fact turning out that Hollywood might not be the utopia we're led to believe. Dale lets it slip that he likes robocop... repeatedly through the whole podcast. Hair and makeup is actually a very important category at the Oscars and they idiotically plan to hand it out during the commercial break. Oh by the way Woody Allen is still a creep. So yeah all movie stuff... but who doesn't like movies amirite?