Outrage Factory

Weed The People



#What made the internet angry this week? Smoke 'em if you got 'em! And by 'em', we mean weed, which is now totally legal in Canada, unless you ever want to cross a border into the United States again! We discuss provincial weed sales, why smoking some things is good for you and smoking other things is bad for you, your online weed purchases are almost DEFINITELY being shared with US border agents, this vape that perfectly replicates smoking is remarkably effective at replacing smoking—especially with kids, a non-problematic all-male reboot of The Golden Girls, how people got pregnant in the 50s, cellophane underwear, voter turnout sucks but democracy is still the best for whatever reason, why Dale carries an old Amazon box wherever he goes. Talking points: Nerdy legal shit you probably don't care about (Cannabis laws in B.C.) Weed sales by province on the first day of legalization How Derek is quitting smoking for real I can relate to the teens Dale quit smoking by reading a book because because he's a giant