Lean For Life

Don't Believe You Can?



Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right - Henry Ford. Our self-belief or lack thereof has a significant impact on our emotions, our actions and our results or non-results. If we don't think we can lose weight, improve our eating or any other health behaviour we'd like to adopt, then these beliefs will erode our ability to achieve what we really desire. Join us in this episode as we explore the importance of our beliefs, what you current limiting beliefs may be and how you can begin to change them if they are not working for you right now.Join our free community group on facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/leanforlifepodcast/Contact us and find out more on our website:http://www.leanforlifepodcast.com.au Find out more about Miranda Marriott: https://www.pliable.com.auFind out more about Kirsten Jones: https://www.kirstenjones.com.au