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Synopsis - locked out by intrusion detection IDS - fail2ban - UpdateRobot - wird Google immer schlechter ? - Visual Studio Code - Code Editing - Stack Overflow - cit013 "DuckDuckgo" - - Disney+ | Stream all of Disney, Marvel, Pixar, Star Wars ... -Apple TV+ - Apple - Udemy: Online Courses - Learn Anything, On Your Schedule - cit003 – mac lin win - ISO 8601 - Hands-on: Apples neues MacBook Pro mit 16"-Display - "New Deal for Consumers” - Hersteller werden künftig zu Softwareupdates gezwungen - Walters Wish List - CLI to measure an AWS EC2 account's usage and optimize it  - - AWS Cost Explorer - How to Write a Git Commit Message - Git flight rules - Google Docs - OneNote mit O365