365 Days Of Sport Radio Show

What's With All The Fake Deaths? Jack Links 365 Days Of Sport Radio Show #92



Jack Links Beef Jerky brings you the greatest sports radio show on the planet. When too much sport is never enough! Go and get your Jack Links Beef Jerky and listen in to the greatest journey through sports. Beefy & Rob have been to some far out places and crossed paths with some incredible people along the way. The show airs live on Southern FM in Melbourne and the boys just love the all new Jack Links Beef Jerky. The boys tackle the hardest aspects of the world of sport including the Irish Football team that tried to get a game called off claiming one of their players had died - except he was on holiday in Spain, The Shenzhen half marathon caught a load of cheats and in horrific scenes a high school basketballer gets mocked for being epileptic. And Beefy & Rob go head to head in Sporting Balderdash. Media greatness awaits!!! Sponsored by Masita.com.au - which is quite simply the best sports teamwear in Australia! Kit out your soccer club in Masita - you know it makes sense. It's officially the Great