Lamb of Pod

"What would you give up to go see My Chemical Romance?"



Hellloooooo My Chemical Romance is BACK, well, for at least one day. We are all amped, even though none of us can afford to go. And its sold out. But whatever. We aren't crying. Not a lot anyway. The Story so Far and State champs face off in a made up boxing ring. We both like them, but there are some pros and cons. Rage Against the Machine is, possibly not...raging against the machine... Is Wolfmother more underrated than System of a Down? Kind of weird to compare them, but like, come on. Random shoutout to Icarus the Owl. We like ya. We talk about how Beartooth used to sound muddy and crappy but in a GREAT way to now sounding too refined. Wish they would be sloppy again. Kyle hates Pepsi. That's it. Slipknot has played SNL like, a lot. We have a discussion on what the GOLDEN age of metal is. Apparently it's more agreed upon than we thought. We basically compare and contrast hardcore versus metalcore. They're a lot more different than we thought honestly. Shout out Self Made Soul. A weird throwba