Scale Or Die

#12: Brian Balfour of Reforge on Flywheels, Funnels, and the Future



Are funnels dead? David McClure's famous AARRR funnel framework has been the guide book for growth strategies for years — the problem is McClure's funnel framework is nearly 11 years old! Are loops and flywheels the new thing? Making the transition from thinking about growth strategies from funnels to loops and flywheels could be the key to drive growth for your business in 2019 and the years to come. Listen to Brian Balfour, Founder/CEO of Reforge, talk about his experience with growth VP of Growth @ Hubspot. Then we'll cover his journey along the way to scale his new growth masterclass business. Learn from Brian's extensive knowledge gained from countless hours studying 100s of SaaS companies. 0:00 — Introduction 1:48 — How Brian helps companies at Reforge 3:24 — Brian's journey from Hubspot to Reforge 4:42 — Funnels versus loops? Funnels versus flywheels? What's here to stay? 11:08 —Learn how growth cycles play out at Reforge 14:31 — Where do you think paid traffic plays into startups? 20:00 — Examples of