Dream. Think. Do. | Helping You Achieve Bigger Goals

The 4 Tenets for YOGA & LIFE



My guest this week is James Miller. James is the creator of Adamantine Yoga. He’s also one of the most innovative thinkers I’ve ever met. James has been bringing his unique thinking and approach to the world of yoga… and I believe… he’s on the verge of a huge breakthrough. We’ll talk about that more in the episode. Plus, I can tell you he’s already pulled off at least one miracle… and that’s getting ME to practice yoga… and I’ve actually been loving it.     Listen To The Podcast:   RESOURCES: Adamantine Yoga: www.adamantineyoga.com   MORE INFORMATION: James came to yoga after being a Marine. When he started, he would be the first to tell you that he could do 30 pull-ups and 100 pushups but he couldn’t touch his toes. Now… he’s one of the most flexible people I’ve ever met, and at 48 years old he’s in the best shape of his life. Since I turn 50 next year… and I’ve said that is one of my goals is to be in the best shape of my life in my 50th year and beyond, so James and his approach really grabbe