Morningstar Uk: Podcasts

Navigating the Budget and Falling Markets



Welcome to the podcast from Morningstar UK, the leading provider of investment news, views and analysis. This week we analyse the impact of this week’s UK Budget Report and how to navigate falling global stock markets. Let’s start with the Budget. Whilst Phillip Hammond’s announcements of tax reductions and spending measures may boost Britain’s high street retailers, the positive impact on investors is likely to be limited says Morningstar Investment Management’s Dan Kemp. Now on to global markets. During times of uncertainty even the most experienced of fund managers get scared of volatile markets. Up next, Aberdeen Standard's Hugh Young explains his fears about a trade war are justified, but says investors should stay the course or they risk missing the recovery.  Our next guest, Michele Hardeman, Head of Global Markets for Asia Pacific for State Street, explains to our Senior International Editor, Emma Wall, how falling emerging market currencies have impacted investor confidence. China shares have had