Steal This Show

18: You'll See This Message When It Is Too Late: Financial Cyberwarfare, with Josephine Wolff



In this episode we meet Josephine Wolff, author of a new book on financial and economic cybercrime, You'll See This Message When It Is Too Late ( .  We discuss two important case studies from the book. First, GameOver Zeus ( - a massive financial fraud botnet which innovated by using P2P to distribute its command and control infrastructure, and a network of money mules to route funds to its owners, making it extremely hard to detect. The evolution of this botnet in response to Bitcoin demonstrates how cryptocurrency has produced a real paradigm shift in cybercrime - not least in shifting the financial impact of the crime onto the individuals and away from credit card companies and banks. Moving on to the case of PLA 61398 ( , we discuss the Chinese deployment of hacking resources for economic advancement via China's so-called APT or Advanced Persistent Thre