Morningstar Uk: Podcasts

The Impact of No Deal Brexit on Markets



Welcome to the podcast from Morningstar UK, the leading provider of investment news, views and analysis. This week we’re focusing on the Impact a No Deal Brexit could have on the Markets. UK Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab and EU Chief Negotiator Michel Barnier are currently locked in crunch talks over the future of the Britain’s trade terms with the European Union. With Brussels admitting there is “no plan B” for a no-deal Brexit, the stakes couldn’t be higher. Should investors shun UK assets and seek shelter in US assets if there is a no deal Brexit. Or does the uncertainty create opportunities? Our first guest, Mike Coop from Morningstar Investment Management explains. What Impact Does Political Turmoil such as a no deal Brexit Have on Markets? Morningstar Investment Management's Dan Kemp is up next and considers how the latest Brexit fallout will affect portfolios.  What Does Brexit Mean for Your Pension?  Sterling weakness has been good for investors who own FTSE 100 stocks. But concerns are growing th