Morningstar Uk: Podcasts

Trump, Trade and Tariffs



Welcome to the podcast from Morningstar UK, the leading provider of investment news, views and analysis. This week we’re focusing on the potential US-China trade war, and how politics have impacted the Asian markets. President Trump has revealed plans for trade tariffs targeting Chinese tech and innovation. But should investors be more wary of China's response? Emma Wall, Senior international editor for Morningstar speaks with Catherine Yeung, Investment Director at Fidelity to find out more. A significant political event occurred this month when President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un met for the first time. But what does the agreement they signed mean for Asia’s economy?  Our next guest Schroders' Jason Yu, says protectionism will increase market volatility but the fundamentals remain strong for Asia equities and so China shares Won't Be De-railed by Trump Tariffs It is now easier than ever to invest in companies based in mainland China, and China is investing in global projects of its own. O