AdminDev Labs

Shell Scripting: Epilogue



### Man Page Sections 1. User Commands - Programs supplied by GNU C library - git - htop 2. System Calls - System calls provided by Linux kernel - write - read 3. Library Functions - Standard C library functions - pthread_create - rand 4. Devices - Devices in /dev and other places - loop - zero - sd 5. Files - File formats and processes - resolv.conf - passwd 7. Miscellaneous - UTF-8 - cgroups - daemon ### How to Read a Man Page - Command, section number, implementation (Linux Programmers Manual vs POSIX Programmers Manual) - Synopsis - Many (all) options - Can be read literally or as an example - Description - Technical details, brief explanation and history, program associations - Commands - How to interface with application - In the case of `less`, you are given navigation instructions - Options - Arguments or flags - Some documentation (sed) will use "Commands" and "Description" for technical usage - Additional Information - Environment Variables - Application specific commands or arguments (not POSIX or