Nbs Radio

The Full Monte Football Show Week 14 In The NFL



The Full Monte Football Show. Sunday 11 AM Eastern Time Special Guest, Alex Skuby will Join us to talk about the Miami Dolphins Alex was recently on FX's Drama Series SnowFall He played Doug Pruzan, Carrie's Boss in the Hit Comedy King of Queens for 5 years. Other Credits Include Last Man Standing, Bones and the Santa Clarita Diet. He is a life long Dolphins fan so like me, being a Jets fans, he knows about  suffering.   Rico "Show me the Money" Graziano will join us. He has 9 winning weeks 3 losing weeks against the Spread.  We will also have our weekly fantasy football segment.  I will break down every game on the Sunday Schedule. I am 96-51-1 picking games. And of course... we start each show with the good the bad and the ugly in the NFL The Full Monte Football Show, We work hard on Sunday's so you don't have to.