Kevin Ecock's Winepod

Ben Glaetzer and Nick Keukenmeester; a superb double act from Australia



Robb Wines invited me to a tasting of the wines of Ben Glaetzer recently. Fabulous I said. A wine legend that I had never met and whose wines from the Barossa had never crossed my lips! Perversely I knew the 'Heartland' wines from the lesser known region of Langhorne Creek south of Adelaide. Such are the vagaries of wine distribution! Ben had decided in the 1990's that Langhorne Creek fruit had fabulous potential. He has, with partner Nick Keukenmeester, achieved this. Heartland wines are so accessible that its web site statement rings true every time I read it, 'You can Taste it From Where You are'.     I arranged a half an hour podcast. Brilliant. Homework done on the Glaetzer Wines (only) I headed to the venue. (Excellent by the way - Milltown Golf Club).  My first introduction was to Nick! Great. I only had two mikes - one for me and one for Ben. ….  I had no idea that Nick would be there also. Hold on. It's Bonus Time for the podcast ..... The Glaetzer Wines hold within their bottles the very soul of B