Free Methodist Church Of Santa Barbara

Everlasting Father - Rev. Colleen Hurley-Bates (12-15-19)



As we continue the kingly names found in Isaiah for Advent, we come to the third one: Everlasting Father. In our modern day democracy, it is hard for us to understand using the name father for a monarch. Yet, there is often a sense that a king or queen serves in a parental role for the nation. Because the ascend to the throne in a familial fashion, they can be seen as a parent, especially if they are beloved. They are seen as a protector and provider; the head of the country. It makes sense that people see them as Father or Mother. Sunday, we will explore what it means that Jesus comes to fulfill this role by studying the well-known passage of The Prodigal Son. This is a story which so often focuses on the offspring, yet we see living characteristics of the Everlasting Father in this story Jesus told. I encourage you to read it and ponder anew how Jesus' narrative teaches us about the role He came to fill for us.