Starseed Radio Academy

Mary Magdalene: Revelations from a First Century Avatar



Gloria Amendola has become our traditional guest for our Christmas show, bringing messages of hope and light from Mary Magdalene.  Gloria is an author and practicing intuitive with a passion for the dreamtime, esoteric knowledge, the hidden history of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, and the Mysteries that surround them. She has facilitated over 300 Magdalene Circles in the United States, Europe and the United Kingdom. Gloria takes groups on pilgrimages to sacred lands in France, England, Scotland, Wales, and the American Southwest.  Gloria teaches the Holy Grail Mysteries and their connection to the secret destiny of America. She channels the Founding Fathers and leads small groups to key Freemasonic sites in the Washington DC area. She’s written five books, including her popular trilogy, “Mary Magdalene: Revelations from a First Century Avatar.” And she will be releasing her latest book in Spring 2020. She follows the footsteps of the Judean Refugees, the Druids, Essenes and Knights Templar, gathering impression