Ask Julie Ryan

Episode 185 – Angel Messages



This week on the Ask Julie Ryan Show, psychic and medical intuitive Julie introduces her latest book called Angel Messages For Kids. In it, angels answer children's tough questions about life, death, where babies come from and more in this beautifully illustrated picture book. Angel Messages for Kids will be a treasured addition to your family library and will be enjoyed by current and future generations. Julie also answers lots of callers’ questions about dying loved ones, hormonal issues, skin rashes, back pain and other topics. As usual, Julie provides suggestions and insights based on the psychic information she accesses and receives. The show is fascinating and fun. Please join us and call in with your question next week. Thursdays at 8pm ET, 7pm CT, 5pm PT. (712) 770-4160 Access Code: 533677# And, please leave a review and subscribe so you can hear all the new episodes.