10-minute Mentor With Rich Perry

5 Ways Mentors Can Prove Invaluable When Developing a Money Mindset



Do you struggle to hold yourself accountable for the changes you’re trying to make? If so, a mentor could be exactly what you need. This is especially true when you’re trying to change your finances. Developing a healthier money mindset isn’t always easy. Even when you know what it is that you’re supposed to be doing, actually doing it isn’t easy. Having a mentor can ensure you stick to the changes you’re making and use the most effective techniques. In today’s episode, I’ll reveal just some of the great benefits having a money mentor can bring. If you’re having difficulty getting started, or you simply need a little help, you’ll want to check out this mentoring session. You’ll see how a mentor can hold you accountable and help to maintain your motivation. You’ll also learn how they can help you to develop an effective strategy.  *** [FREE Workshop & Training]  Cultivate a Healthy Money Mindset and Easily Transform Your Life  (Or copy and paste the link below) https://thepathofme.lpages.co/healthy-m