
Episode 88 – Interview Advice – Interview as if it is Your Only Interview



In this podcast, Pat Moesta shares the interview advice he would give other JMOs when preparing for their transition. Pat made a successful transition into the business world as a Brand Manager at Stryker back in 2017.  He is a USMA 2012 grad and a former Army Infantry officer.  When Pat attended the Cameron-Brooks August 2017 Conference, he converted 13 interviews into 9 company pursuits and had 3 offers to choose from.  He knows how to interview. "Interview for every opportunity as if it is your only one." "Make decisions.  Do not eliminate options until after the interview as you will have so much more information." Our archived blog posts are chock-full of other interview advice. You can find a few of our favorites here: Five Easy Tricks to Improve Your Interviewing Skills, Two Keys to Successful Interviews,   Five Interview Mistakes to Avoid and The Number One Factor to a Successful Interview. To learn more about turning your JMO leadership skills into a successful transition and business