In Deep With Angie Coiro: Interviews

Political Potpourri



Show #20 Hour 1 | Guests: Steve Hughes of Oregon Working Families Party, Alberto Del Rio of Foreclosure Victim, Linda Pence of Lawyer, Emma Ketteringham of National Advocates for Pregnant Women (NAPW), GottaLaff of Political Carnival | Show Summary: Steve Hughes former union orgainzer and current state director of Oregon Working Families Party talks about his experience with running a third party and the advantages of fusion voting. Alberto Del Rio joins Angie to share how Wells Fargo wrongfully foreclosed his home. Bei Bei Shuai the young pregnant woman who attempted feticide for trying to commit suicide is now facing murder and feticide charges. Linda Pence Shuai's lawyer and Emma Ketteringham diretor of legal advocacy at the National Advocates for Pregnant Women (NAPW) join Angie for a panel talk about Bei Bei. Plus, Buttercup (GottaLaff) joins us for her weekly Laffy Raw.