In Deep With Angie Coiro: Interviews

Human Trafficking



Show #15 Hour 2 | Guests: Marty Braniff of Author, Lt. George Koder of Clearwater Police Human Trafficking Task Force, Elizabeth Wheaton of Economic Lecturer at Southern Methodist University, GottaLaff of Political Carnival | Show Summary: Human Trafficking is a bigger problem than the average person realizes. It goes beyond the prostitute on the street corner, it touches almost every aspect of your life ranging from food to clothing. Marty Braniff author of Step Over Rio explains how pervasive the trafficking of children is. Lt. George Koder of the Clearwater Police Human Trafficking Task Force gives us the law enforcement perspective and Elizabeth Wheaton Economic Lecturer at Southern Methodist University outlines its economic impact. Plus, Buttercup (GottaLaff) joins us for her weekly Laffy Raw.