In Deep With Angie Coiro: Interviews

Outsmart ALEC: Understanding the Right's scary private legislative controlcenter



Show #4 Hour 2 | Guests: Lisa Graves of Center for Media and Democracy, Julie Underwood of UW-Madison School of Education, Susan Smith of Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida, Spocko of of Spocko's Brain | Show Summary: ALEC is a well-funded Right Wing strategic and tactical operation that works to craft social and financial legislation favoring conservative causes, as well as limiting access to the voting booth for groups who tend to vote Democratic. Guest Lisa Graves, executive director of the Center for Media and Democracy, and part of the ALEC Exposed project, and Julie Underwood, dean of the UW-Madison School of Education, and Susan Smith, president of the Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida; plus, featured blogger Spocko has a piece on how to engage the nefarious ALEC here.