Morningstar Uk: Podcasts

How to Invest Post-Brexit



This week we’re going to take a look at how the financial market is shaping up after Britain voted to leave the European Union. Senior editor Emma Wall starts our podcast off by discussing what the professional investors have been buying now that we are heading for Brexit.   How have retail investors reacted to Brexit? Morningstar's Jonathan Miller takes a look at fund flows and cautions investors against making any hasty decisions and in particular to not give up on UK Equities.   Brexit brings with it impending market uncertainty, but this is nothing new, says Jupiter's John Chatfeild-Roberts. He urges investors to take a long-term view and stick to high quality companies with international exposure.   Will the Property Freeze Affect Multi-Asset Funds? Millions of pounds has been gated in commercial property funds as liquidity issues have meant managers have had to restrict withdrawals. Will multi-asset be affected? Senior Fund analyst Randal Goldsmith discusses this issue with Emma Wall up next.