Worldbuilder's Anvil

Episode 307 Story at the basics



Today's Topic – Finding the basic building blocks of stories Please Subscribe, Rate and Review us on iTunesFor complete Fantasy Worldbuilding, show notes go to Podcast Show Flow Why is it important to know what a story really is? What a story is not? A structure Theme or meme Outline A Goal Elements (Setting, Characters, Plot, Conflict, Theme, Point-of-view, Tone, Style) This list can go on forever. A story is an explanation of an event (Conflict) that is exchanged between people. You need to explain important points before, and give resolution to help the other people satisfaction that the story is complete Jeff’s 6 Steps to a complete story Before the Story (BS) The Incident The Strike The Fallout The Run After The Story (AS) If you want a longer story repeat steps 3 and 4 Character arcs should be this structure inside if your story Sub plots should follow steps 2-5 WBT Write a basic story RW  Task             Look at your world and create a story to host your setting Michael's Resou