Bellwether Hub Podcast

Linking Your Goals to Motivation



I’ve been ranting and raving about goals and change and resolutions and all kinds of fun stuff for 2020. And you can’t blame me - new year, new decade, new rules and new excitement. So much excitement, in fact, that I just may pee my pants. But I wanted to step back and go to the basics. Often times, when people get on their soapboxes like I’m wont to do, we jump over some fundamental basic items that we just take for granted. Kind of like the two things needed to make any type of goal or change. Goals, accomplishment and motivation are my business. And I’m good at it. If there is an end state you are trying to reach - I am the person you want to chat about it with. And with all of the people I work with, and with all of the goals I’ve set for myself, I have found that there are two consistent requirements for hitting your goals: Intention and Consistency. Simple, yet difficult. Those are just words. And in order for words to be effective, we have to give them context and detail. So let’s do that.