Pillow Fort Radio

PFR Episode 11: Freshly Painted With A Load



Holy Sweet Baby Lucifer!!! Episode 11 of Pillow Fort Radio is upon us! We open up with Cosby talk. Shame. Shame. Shame. Dingdingding. Peanut Butter and Jelly is racist, you guys. Alaina is dumbfounded because of the ridiculous articles she is forced to look up. Dutch has a new toy. It's awesome. MMMmmmmmmmm Henry Cavill. The President has had quite enough of your bullshit. Chuck likes Cuba(He's a pinko commie bastard). We talk a little about UFC 189. Tom Selleck and his mustache are both cunts. Comic talk! Nerd Boners! Much laugh! Jon Hamm is a handsome, funny gentleman, but he's no MMMMmmmmmm Henry Cavill. Dutch writes weird fan fiction. Aaron has strange aspirations for his butthole. Apparently, we're not allowed to think Amy Schumer is funny. Starbuck's gives enemas? We're in! Alaina calls Chuck out for being shortist. The subreddit of the week, the period report, AND SOOOOOOO MUCH MOOOOOOOOOOORE!!!!!!!!!!