In A Weekend With Yong Pratt

125 - Systems to the Rescue



For many entrepreneurs, systems are an afterthought - and not something considered fun or sexy. Having a business on both sides of systems, I can say with absolute certainty that while systems do take thought and action to implement, they are a game changer, saving time, and more. Our resident Systems Expert on the podcast is Marina Darlow - a systems' expert, and a productivity geek. She sees her job as helping impact-driven entrepreneurs get 10-20 more productive hours a week, stop leaking money, and prevent stress-fuel breakdowns.An engineer by training, Marina came to a realization a couple of years ago: working for a conglomerate is not as inspiring as she wants her life work to be. The quest for inspiration brought her to found Vision Framework, a company that builds small, purpose-driven businesses from the inside, helping entrepreneurs run their companies with ease by putting effective, easy-to-use, and fun (yep!) systems in place.