Straight Talk With Supply Chain Insights

Robotics and the Autonomous Supply Chain with Jim Lawton of Rethink Robotics



Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.AudioPlayer.embed("audioplayer_96", {soundFile:""}); As we think about digital manufacturing and Supply Chain 2030, we need to rethink the robot’s role in manufacturing based on new capabilities. While traditional robots were used to replace labor, the robots of the future are able to improve the agility of the supply chain through sensing and enabling new capabilities. In this session Lora Cecere, Founder of Supply Chain Insights, interviews James Lawton, Chief Product and Marketing Officer at Rethink Robotics, to understand the latest trends in robotics and the future of robotics in Supply Chain 2030. Jim will be presenting his vision at the Supply Chain Insights...