Straight Talk With Supply Chain Insights

It Was Gnarly Dude



Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.AudioPlayer.embed("audioplayer_390", {soundFile:""}); Constance Korol and Lora Cecere of Supply Chain Insights discuss Lora’s latest blog post “It’s Just Me and You Dude, The Secret is Safe. Promise”. Lora addresses a good question from the audience at one of her client meetings. This gnarly dude wanted to know what she meant by being more market driven and the difference between that and being demand driven. Secret is safe.. on Straight Talk with Supply Chain Insights. On this episode of Straight Talk with Supply Chain Insights, Lora Cecere discusses her latest blog post “It’s Just Me and You Dude, The Secret is Safe. Promise.”...