Authors Access

[Ep #154] Yvonne Rose - Writing and Publishing African American Books



On April 6th 2012, Tyler R. Tichelaar and Victor R. Volkmanspoke with Yvonne Rose, Associate Publisher and Senior Editor at Amber Communications Group, Inc.  Ms. Rose began her stint at Amber Books in 1998 as the co-author of the Companys flagship title, the national bestseller, Is Modeling for You? The Handbook and Guide for the Young Aspiring Black Model. Yvonne Rose was appointed to head Quality Press and has turned a few thousands of Self-Published authors manuscripts into completed books.  She spoke with us a wide-range of issues relating to African-American authors specifically and publishing in general Writing for African American culture Publishing hurdles of African American books Target marketing to African American community Writing cross-culture book mixed race books African American any different than other cultures? Getting the characters right for the culture Importance of covers depicting African American content