Authors Access

[Ep #143] Susan Violante- Writing Your Book with Oral History Techniques



 On October 5th, 2011 Victor R. Volkman and Donna Wintersspoke with writer, broadcaster, and historical fiction writer Susan Violanteabout incorporating research from oral history into fiction and non-fiction contexts.  In 2020, she published her Young Adult novel Innocent War: Behind and Immigrants Past Book One. She currently works as the Editorial Assistant for Reader Views and First Chapter Plus. During the course of her writing she used tapes her father recorded as well as one-on-one interviews to flesh out the events, characters, and emotions that she hoped to capture in her book.  In this wide-ranging discussion, we covered those issues and much more:Researching for your book. Researching for your book Benefits of Interviewing as a research tool when writing any story Different Interviewing tools and techniques. Quick tips to intervie