Authors Access

James P. Studinger - Using Your Book as an Investment Tool



On August 19th, 2010 Irene Watson and Victor R. Volkman spoke with financial adviser and author James P. Studinger. He is the author of Wealth Is a Choice, and owner of the JPStudinger Group, a wealth-management company. Studinger wrote this book to create a road map for his children to follow should anything happen to him. This passion blossomed into a book to educate readers and help them embrace, not fear, financial decisions. This evening he spoke about the critical role of understanding how an author can exploit their book to best financial advantage, including: What is the secret to becoming wealthy? Good assets vs. bad assets Efficiency Where is there profit in a book? Sales of books Ancillary services What have other authors done in your field Leverage your credentials Where would you like this to take you in the future? Keep aligning your efforts with your goals.