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Ernest Dempsey - Earn Extra Income Freelance Writing for the Web



On February 19th, 2010 Irene Watson and Victor R. Volkman spoke with fulltime freelance writer, proofreader, and editor Ernest Dempsey.  He shared encouraging information on how you can get started in the fun and profitable art of freelance writing.  In addition to having written 4 books, he is now the editor-in-chief of the literary magazine Recovering the Self: A Journal of Hope and Healing and also works as the country editor for Pakistan on the celebrated Internet news channel  He shared with us on the following points: Where are some places that I can go to look for freelance web writing? Is it ghost writing or does sometimes my name get shown? What about being a Foreign Correspondent for a news organization in another country? How does getting paid work? How do you manage personal time, schedules, and deadlines? What types of writing projects are available: interviews, reviews, tutorials and how well does each pay relative to the others How have y