What's For Dinner?

What's for Dinner? (airdate: 07-13-15)



Tonight's Guests: John Cobb Jr. and Wes Jackson (Part 1) 1300 plus scholars and activists gathered in Claremont, CA, in June to discuss the approach they believe can avert worldwide environmental catastrophe. Entitled Seizing the Alternative: Toward and Ecological Civilization, the conference focused on alternatives to free-market capitalism and value-free western scientific thinking. In our first report, American philosopher, environmentalist and theologian John Cobb describes Chinese policy-makers using Alfred North Whitehead's work to rethink China's industrial agriculture. And biologist, botanist and geneticist Wes Jackson - winner of MacArthur "genius" and Right Livelihood Awards - describes the reasoning behind his successful 50 years of work developing perennial grains in polycultures. Really understanding the systems relationships in ecosystems means working with their emergent properties to make agriculture sustainable.