What's For Dinner?

What's for Dinner? (airdate: 06-01-15)



Tonight's Guests: Pilar Trujillo, Patrick Jaramillo Acequias are a centuries-old way of managing water in arid places, brought to Spain by the Moors and by the Spanish to the US Southwest, where Native American and Hispanic farmers use acequias built 400 years ago. These human-made watercourses capture and steward water from high mountain snow melt. Their channels to distant fields are maintained and managed as a community resource, shared fairly in wet and dry years. Pilar Trujillo and Patrick Jaramillo grew up in families that used acequias as a primary source of water to farm in northern New Mexico. Now they help maintain the acequia but also work as organizers to resist pressure from development that undermines acequias by undermining land ownership.