What's For Dinner?

What's for Dinner? (airdate: 11-10-14)



Tonight's Guest: Liz Warran (Fast Track) Important matters for farmers and agriculture will be considered during the 2014 lame duck session in Washington - country of origin labeling (COOL), the Keystone XL Pipeline, Fast Track and the TransPacificPartnership (TPP). Tonight's show reviews all 4, concentrating on implications of Fast Track for meaningful debate on the wide-ranging, highly contested and mostly secret terms of the TPP, the massive proposed trade agreement among 12 Pacific rim countries. Fast Track literally cedes legislators' constitutional treaty'making authority to the Executive, limiting debate to a total of 22 hours and permitting only an up or down vote. Guest Liz Warren heads the National TPP Coalition. She also describes the broad alliance of organizations who oppose the TPP - and why.