What's For Dinner?

What's for Dinner? (airdate: 06-23-14)



Tonight's Guests: Margot McMillen, George Naylor Farmers Margot McMillen (Missouri) and George Naylor (Iowa) discuss pesticide drift - when dust, droplets or vapor move to unintended sites and affect non-target species. Pesticide drift can harm farmworkers, residents, wildlife, plants, and property. Accordingly, with each new pesticide generation manufacturers, regulators, public health experts and farmers continue to address drift management. But herbicide-resistant corn and soy with both 2,4-D and glyphosate - Enlist Duo - significantly raise the risks. 2,4-D volatilizes. This matters because vapor can be inhaled and because wind, temperature, and humidity affect rates of volatilization. Inclement weather makes farmers apply herbicides later in the season, for example, increasing risk of volatilization because the temperature is higher and prompt incorporation into the soil is impractical.