What's For Dinner?

What's for Dinner? (airdate: 02-03-14)



Tonight's Guest: Steve Gliessman Steve Gliessman is one of the people who literally coined the term "agroecology." With a PhD in ecology, Steve did several years of subsistence farming in the 1960s in Central America and then taught agronomists in Mexico, near where new Green Revolution practices focused only on yields and discounted the value of any local knowledge. But in his collaboration with farmers, he realized that their "traditional knowledge" got high joint yields - from intercropping and relying on symbiotic relationships among plants and soil organisms. Since then Steve has taught US students at UC Santa Cruz, helped build the Community Agroecology Network, and helped lead 14 "Agroecology Short Courses" where What's For Dinner spoke to him in July, 2013.