Nion Radio With Nick Onken

97 Amber Rae: The Power of Choosing Wonder Over Worry



I’m excited today to bring back Amber Rae, who was a guest about a year ago. Amber explores creativity from the inside out and today we’re talking about wonder over worry and how to quiet your worry and look for the wonder in your creative life. Amber has been diving deep into the idea of wonder over worry, giving talks on it, gameifying it, and doing all kinds of awesome projects to help her audience find their wonder. She also just launched her new website, where you can sign up for daily clues to help you explore yourself and your creativity. I truly believe that life is always providing us what we need to take that next step forward. Some things we learn in this podcast: Why she chooses wonder over worry [3:15] How Amber grounds herself [4:20] What are clues [8:50] How to keep a clue notebook [11:45] What is the goal of creating clues [15:45] The difference between wonder and awe [20:40] How creating a character for your worry can distance it [23:05] The value of quieting your worries [