Nion Radio With Nick Onken

86 What to Do in the In-Betweens



Your self worth doesn’t equal what, how much, and who you’re working for. I’d be lying if I said the freelance entrepreneurial life was easy. There’s definitely phases of feast and famine, slow times and busy times. I go through dry spells with work, and I wanted to share what I’ve learned through these times. I’ve been talking to a lot of people lately about these different periods in their careers, so I thought I’d do an episode about it. Today I’m giving you 6 tips on what to do during the in-betweens. These tips take work, they take proactivity, and I’m not always the best at doing them. But I think they’re important if you want to grow in your career and your journey. It definitely takes a conscious choice to be proactive and to create when you’re not doing anything. Some things we learn in this podcast: Why you can’t get into a funk [1:25] The value of reading books and taking classes [2:25] The law of attraction [3:15] Why you have to change your outlook [3:35] Get inspired [4:15] Create