Shattered Conception

37. Heart Disease and Pregnancy with Amanda Daniels



My guest on Episode 37 of Shattered Conception is Amanda Daniels. Amanda is a heart disease survivor, mother of three daughters and a spiritual counselor. At 18-years-old she suffered her first Heartquake™ - a term she uses to describe that moment in time when your life is forever changed - when she joined the ranks of the millions worldwide living with heart disease, and heart failure at 25.  She spent years in and out of doctors’ offices, hoping that her heart would improve.  While continuing on her regiment of medications, Amanda set on a soul journey to reconnect with her authentic self.  Through years of traditional psychotherapy, spiritual counseling and shamanic training as a modern day medicine woman, Amanda pierced through the layers of emotional pain to heal her heart.  Amanda created Flight, a lifestyle brand, to empower a broader audience of people who don’t have the ability to see her for one-on-one sessions. Flight speaks directly to people who are either suffering from their own Heartquake™, li