Podenstein's Lab

Show #012: SPOOKY SPOTLIGHT - OTTAWA, KS - Finding the Freaky In the Midwest



Haunted? Haunting?? We find it! Ottawa, KS has a haunted auditorium- where a performance by The Amazing Kreskin ended unearthly, plus we found the spookiest places nearby- including a high school haunted by a ticked-off trumpeter, and a 19th century criminal asylum where your name ends up a number. Lisa Hefner Heitz, author of "Haunted Kansas: Ghost Stores and other Eerie Tales" joins us for a talk about hunting ghost stories, and her own favorite creepy locations in Kansas. The albino woman, a screaming bridge, and more, it's time to bucketlist - or is that, coffinlist- some pinned places, as we shine our "Spooky Spotlight" on Ottawa, in Podenstein's Lab!