Starseed Radio Academy

Quest Stories and the Crystal Grid Astrology



As many of you know, we have been taking the Crystal Soul group to Arkansas since 2012.  This is a soul family reunion at the heart of the crystal grid for the entire planet.  Right now, Saturn has entered galactic degree in Capricorn, which is the Mark of the Crystal grid, and any starseed with any of the 6 markings for the crystal soul group will be activated to higher levels of responsibility for stewardship of Mother Earth.  We'll be discussing the effects of this activation and hearing from some of our alumni about their experiences in Arkansas.  Starseeds who have joined us there have been empowered to claim their power and go to the next levels of their missions.  All four of our Quests in 2020 will have this special galactic timing, which will add strength to the crystal activations for the planet and also for the individuals who attend.  The next two Quests will be March 20-23 and May 15-18.  The March Quest may be full at this point, but there are still spots for the Pleiadean Line Up Quest in May.