Starseed Radio Academy

Connecting Children to Nature author Asher Cloran



Asher Cloran is an author, speaker, independent researcher and is co-owner in a company called LifeRocks! which creates science based education resources to help connect children to the magic of nature.  Asher has written a book called "Connecting Children to Nature: The Essential Guide for Parents and Teachers". The book provides a balanced and practical perspective on how to help our children, and ourselves, stay connected to nature in a technological world - although it is mostly aimed at early learning and development.  Alongside the LifeRocks! team, Asher spends time creating interactive nature based games that inspire a life long, and hands on connection to the natural world in a way that stimulates learning, awareness and fun.  Asher believes that the way to protect this earth and each other, is to create deep connections to Nature and our own nature. When humanity feels connected to the world around us, we create life rather than destroy it  - so connection to the natural world is more important than