Anderson Cooper 360

Are You Kidding?; Border Insecurity; Diverting Funds; Mattis Speaks Out; Frustrated Farmers; New Target



Strengthening Hurricane Dorian A Threat To Florida; Dorian Intensifying, Could Slam U.S. Mainland As Powerful Hurricane; Sources: Pres. Trump Offered Pardons For Laws Broken To Build Border Fence By Election Day; Sources: Pres. Trump Concedes To Lawmakers Wall Not Best Path Against Illegal Immigration; Disaster Money Heading To The Border; Mattis Opens Fire; Pres. Trump Called Puerto Rico "One Of The Most Corrupt Places On Earth" As They Braced For Storm; Dept. Of Homeland Security Moves $155 Million From FEMA Disaster Relief For Immigration Enforcement; Former Defense Secy. Mattis: "Storm Clouds Gathering"; Former Defense Secretary: Leadership Without Collaboration "Will Lead To Failure"; Members Of Pennsylvania Farm Family Say Pres. Trump Will Lose Their Voters Due To Trade War With China; New Polling On 2020 Dems; Gillibrand Drops Out Of Democratic Presidential Race; New Poll: Biden Has Edge Over Warren, Sanders; Pres. Trump Assails Unfamiliar Target; Pres. Trump Assails Fox N