Beauty Revealed Podcast

Ep 19: How to take Inventory of your 2018



It's the end of 2018 and before kicking off the celebrations, take a moment to pause with me; take inventory of your year. Where have you been, is there anything missing or unaccounted for in your life? Is there excess? Habits and Heart issues that are taking up unwanted space in your soul and keeping you from becoming the #WomanofConfidence #WomanofCharacter & #WomanofBeauty God intends for you to be? Take 15 mins to reflect and prepare to do the work for 2019.  Check out these phenomenal women I have the pleasure of mentioning in this episode. Please follow and check out the amazing work they are putting out: Yvonne Orji, Comedienne and Actress. Follow her @Yvonneorji on Instagram and Twitter ------------- Shakirah A. Hill, author of "Until My Surreder: A Story of Love, Loss, & Letting Go". Listen to Episodes 9 & 10 for my interview with her; it will seriously rock your world. --------------  Shekea Moreno, Co-curator and Creator of Insta Page @Sch