Business News Wales Podcasts

Carwyn Meets: Rachael Flanagan, Director of Mrs Bucket



Rachael Flanagan runs a multi-million-pound business employing over 250 staff throughout Wales and the West. With her go-getter attitude and drive for success, she is truly an inspiration to all. Starting her business, Mrs Bucket Cleaning Services, at the age of 18 after failing her business A-level, she started her business with just £20 of black and white flyers and distributed them around the area. The response was better than Rachael anticipated and she was inundated with enquiries so decided to rope in some carefully chosen staff to help. Ten years on, Rachael Flanagan has created an impressive management team who run the day to day business now, enabling her to work ‘on the business, not in it’ as well as mentoring other entrepreneurs and small business owners on helping them take their business to another level.