God Fodder

S3, S4: The One Where They Talk About the Impact of Friends



Twenty-five years later, many of us are still watching Friends. It is a part of the American culture. In fact, millions of people are watching, whether in syndication or through Netflix, many of whom were not even alive during its original broadcasts. Which character are you? What’s your favorite episode? This week find out who Keith and Greg are and see how Keith fares on ranking the Top 15 Best episodes. Also decide if you agree when some say it hasn’t aged well...or that it was just plain awful from its beginning. Source material is “Why Friends Remains so successful” (It’s Been a Minute podcast- 12.17.2019), “We Revisit Friends” (Pop Culture Happy Hour podcast- 1.3.2020), and“Friends Has Not Aged Well” (Buzzfeed article - 8.29.2019). Consider this The One Where We Wonder About Our Friends.